
Monday, 18 October 2010

Park on your drive you inconsiderate little man!!

This is one major rant that I'm hoping to calm down from once it is on paper.  I live in a end terrace house with no drive way...the only house in the street that doesn't have one.  Every other house has a drive although for some treason they all use them to hoard cars not in use meaning they then need to park on the road.  The man that lives opposite has 2 driveways and space for about 6 or 7 cars...and despite only 2 people living in his house they do have this amount of cars.  Anyway everyday he arrives home from work around 3, the same time I leave to collect Holly from school, and for some reason he feels the need to park outside my house ignoring the big empty space on his drive.  Now don't get me wrong....anyone can park where they want but what angers me is 1) that he doesn't just use one space he parks in such a way it prevents 2 other cars being able to park, and, 2) he doesn't need the space HE HAS A DRIVE!!!  He has several times seen me stumble with a car seat in each hand to my car from my front door and then back again so he knows that getting the twins in the car by myself is a challenge yet he still insists on parking right outside my house.  I am beginning to wonder what happened to consideration from others, parking is difficult in most streets these days due to the massive increase in cars per household over recent years.  Driveways have gone some way in reducing this issue but if people don't use them it is so frustrating for others.  I would knock and speak to him about it but what do I say?  "Hey mister you can't park there"  well actually he can....all I ask for is some consideration but if he doesn't have it without being asked then I very much doubt he will have any more if I do ask.  Some people are just born pig ignorant...OK maybe that was uncalled for but I do feel a bit better for it!

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