
Monday, 4 October 2010

Catch Up...beware many random thoughts!!

Well I haven't posted for a while as time has just been disappearing, having twins=busy, busy, busy.  Anyway I finally have time for a catch up so here goes...

Lee started a new job today as a games tester.  This is great for him as it is a step into the industry he would like to build a career in so although he isn't in the right area its a start.  The money is not great, he has far to travel and he has to work shifts but its a means to an end.  Anyway his new shift pattern is the reason why I have time to type.  He is working til 11 so I need to stay up for the 1030 me time to catch up on things other than sleep.  I'm pleased he got this job and the timing couldn't have been better, lets hope it gets him where he wants.

Babies are doing well.  Fia is sleeping through the night nicely just wish I could say the same for Max  He still insists on waking around 4 and I am struggling to get him to brake the habit.  Can't complain too much though as dealing with one baby at 4am is a lot easier than dealing with two!

Bottles!!!!!! I feel like I wash hundreds of them, its constant!! I would love someone to do his for me, just for a day (Lee this is a hint at you).  I would also love someone to wash and iron for me, do a bit of hoovering, clean the bathroom...I suspect however this isn't going to happen.

I shouted at Holly tonight and I'm really not sure why.  I think sometimes the noise effects my thinking and I just snap.  I did apologise but I feel guilty-that little emotion us mums permanently feel for some reason or another- I shall have to try harder I think.

Slightly different subject but today the government announced that they will be cutting child benefit for individuals who earn £44k.  This won't effect us unfortunately (I use this word as earning this would be a position we would love to be in at the moment) however seeing peoples reactions has been interesting.  £44k is not a massive amount of money but it is plenty to survive on, I have been on Netmums and so many people suggest it is not enough.  There also seems to be a massive class divide which is a real shame.  I also have to add that I there appears to be a massive irony in the fact that Tories biggest voters are middle income earners yet they are also the category taking the biggest financial hit at present.  I'm sure though they are just easing us in and we will all suffer at their forward 5 years and I suspect they will be losing the election.

Lastly..we are looking to book a holiday for next year.  Lees parents are off to Cornwall in July so we figured we would join them.  Need to find a holiday home or a caravan somewhere preferably as cheap as possible so its time to start hunting.

I know this is a random post but just thought I would do some thinking out loud to ease me back in. So until next time...

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