
Monday, 23 August 2010

family of five seeks...

One worry we had when discovering we were expecting twins was fitting our expanding family into our modest car.  With Holly still on a bumper seat it was impossible to fit two baby car seats in also so hesitantly we had to remove her seat.  Travelling, for Holly, involved being squashed between two babies on the back seat of a ford focus as there was no chance of all three fitting onto the back seat of my Peugeot 206.  So for the last 7 weeks we have been on a quest to find a car, a harder task than expected leaving me within an inch of writing a lonely hearts column...

family of 5 seeks car large enough to seat 7 with ample boot space.  Low mileage, good clean body and reliable engine essential.  Must be accessible to those on a tight budget!

Well this doesn't appear to exist on a tight budget so yesterday, with the advice of Lees' Dad we put a deposit on a 54 reg ford galaxy that comes in a clean £1000 over budget, double the amount we ideally wanted to spend. This car, however will make life easier, three kids in the back (sometimes four if you include my niece), space for the pushchair and shopping, plus its a comfortable drive.  Can't wait to collect it next week!!

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